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*Hard copy from Edition Svitzer coming soon*


Check out the video of me playing it on my channel: 


"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

- James Dean (1931-1955)


Dream is my first ever 4.3 octave marimba solo written for two mallets. I find that two mallets takes away the complications of four mallet grips, laterals and other advanced techniques, leaving you to focus on the quality of your sound and the intent of your melodic expression. Dream is spacious and floaty in its construction, allowing you to interpret the directional voices in your own special way.


The title Dream stems from my experience of turning dreams into reality. I have found that some of my most ambitious goals in life, like owning my own 5.0 octave marimba, or making an income from the internet, came from dreams that seemed impossible to ever achieve at the time. Dream reflects on the idea that while many of our dreams and wishes may not work out, continuing to dream big and thinking of a better future will always help us grow and become stronger.


Dream requires one 4.3 octave marimba (cannot be transcribed for 4.0 octave or lower). Dream is for two mallets only. You will receive one (1) PDF score of Dream as a digital download.


Studio VIPs / Studio ARTISTs: Discount code available at! Use that code in checkout to gain 25% off this score (Studio ARTISTs) or 50% off (Studio VIPs)!


Dream was premiered by Adam Tan online on YouTube on 18th December 2020.

Dream, for solo marimba (4.3 octave - two mallets)

  • Two-mallet solo (4.3 octave)

© 2016-2024 ADAM TAN // Photography and website design by Adam Tan.

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